Brand Safety and Ad Placement Policy (subject to agreed IO terms)
Fifty is committed to providing the highest possible levels of brand safety for clients and advertisers and minimising the risk of ad misplacement in line with industry standards. Fifty follows the Trustworthy Accountability Group (TAG) Brand Safety Certified principles. This document sets out the brand protection policies that we adhere to for every campaign we run.
Third party verification tools
Fifty uses independently-certified third party content verification tools. Fifty’s current partner is Integral Ad Science, who provide the following:
Pre-Bid Solution: Fifty utilises Integral Ad Science Safety setting’s pre-bid data to allow targeting around brand safety and ad viewability within the programmatic auction processes. This is designed to ensure that ads will only appear on appropriate content that has been classified as “safe” before we place, display or win bids within auctions. Integral’s classifications and predictions of a page’s safety rate based on certain criteria. We apply the strictest setting’s against each criteria, as well as block un-rateable inventory sources as well as sites which have a high score against Suspicious activity.
Semantic Blocking: Utilise Grapeshot to create custom semantic segments which allow us to block. This can be used against standard categories as well as protect any specific business rules (i.e. Brands not appearing against negative content e.g. terrorism, illegal activities, guns, drugs, disasters, etc)
Appropriate/Inappropriate schedules (Blacklists & Whitelists)
To minimize the risk of ad misplacement, Fifty also uses appropriate and inappropriate schedules, also known as “whitelists” and “blacklists”.
Blacklists: Fifty’s blacklist includes thousands of websites whose content we or the third party verifiers consider to be inappropriate. This black list is regularly updated. Every campaign runs against this master blacklist in addition to the Ad blocking and Pre-bid protection referred to in section
Whitelists: Fifty’s whitelist includes thousands of websites that have been manually verified by us or the third party verifiers. It is possible to run a campaign against this whitelist only, by agreement.
Advertiser and Agency Blacklists and Whitelists: Additionally, by agreement with our clients, Fifty can apply bespoke whitelists and/or blacklists corresponding to a particular advertiser’s brand guidelines.
Take down policy
The application of this policy is designed to ensure that brand misplacement does not occur. In the event Fifty becomes aware of an ad appearing on a site that is considered inappropriate, then Fifty will take down the ad within 1 business day. The contractual consequences of this are as agreed with the client in each case, but as standard Fifty will normally discount such placement against the current or a future campaign or make no charge for that placement. If you have any questions about any of the information contained in this document please contact your Fifty account manager or email [email protected]
Fifty support the use of ads.txt/app-ads.txt within the ecosystem and work solely with downstream partners whose tech and spirit support this.
Coalition for Better Ad Standards
All clients working with Fifty are required to meet our ad content guidelines which support the coalition for better ad standards.
IAB Gold Standard
Fifty supports transparent and quality media buying. To meet and exceed the IABs Gold Standard Quality benchmarks we work with publisher inventory which is ads.txt compliant. We encourage uphill and downhill partners to adopt sellers.json, buyers.json and Supply Chain Object.
Our measurement partner selection is based on transparency and pushing adoption of common taxonomies. Fifty endorses partner adoption of the IAB Open Measurement SDK (OM SDK) to further this goal and improve industry measurement.
In addition to the above Fifty fully supports IAB Tech Lab’s processes to meet transparency and sustainability criteria. We fully support:
- The new IAB Teach Lab video signals which aim to improve transparency and accuracy of video inventory while improving the ad experience for consumer.
- The ACIF framework which supports advertisers and publishers deliver better consumer experience for video advertising on various devices including CTV.
- The VAST CTV Addendum 2024 as it improves video ad delivery and measurement.
- The IAB Tech Lab Podcast Measurement Guidelines as they address measurement of downloaded media and the ads included in those downloads.
- The IAB Tech Lab’s RefSettings object as it standardises ad refreshing without reloading the page which then helps keep users engaged.